I'm so stuck for words today.
Not only words, but sentences and paragraphs and ideas and topics about the Joy of Jo'burg.
The problem is that 2 years in Vietnam makes for pretty high standards for topics in blogging.. or just in my own mind.
Already and (sigh) again I feel such an itch to be travelling. These blogs I follow on the side don't help much, read them by the way! They all look like the kind of blogs this one wants to be when it grows up...
So I have resolved to become a tourist in Jo'burg... it's easy enough to take on such an identity in the rest of my gorgeous country, but for some reason not here...
Challenge created, challenge accepted.
Okay I'm off now to go visit some museum or something... (and take pictures of jacarandas cause that's a joy in Jo'burg for sure)
Thanks goodness I'm not trying to this in Pretoria.... Challenge acce..... hold on, take it easy now, don't let me hurt myself here.
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