I realize that satisfaction and joy and good things in life is a heart thing, not a location thing. So in a way it’s more than just being back in Jo’burg and making it work, it’s about finding the cool in the mundane, the beauty in the face brick apartment complexes and the freedom beyond the security fences.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Some like it hot...

I'm a brat... and if you live within in 50km radius of me then I know you are one too.

We Jo'burgers, we're so fickle apart from our hard coreness (as in ooo look at me I live in one of the most dangerous cities in the world and I rock it hard core kinda way). So rush hour and high jacking aside it seems that we have little left in our heart to deal with bad weather. See we're all weather brats, badly!

I know this because I'm so connected see. Thanks Facebook and the likes. Have one cold day when things are supposed to be heating up end of terrible winter, and the the twitter sphere freezes over with icy comments about how unbearable it all is.

Have one real summers day (like today 24C) and all is well with the world again. It's as if people are step away of skipping along and giving out high fives to strangers. I know that's what I feel like doing.

So high five Jo'burg, summer is coming to a lapa, patio, pool, park, air-con less car near you! Snaps for summer.

xoxo blossom brat

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